
For the record - Sept. 9, 2011

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School opening: An article in the Sept. 8 LATExtra section about the first day of classes for most city schools said that nearly 218,00 students returned to school. About 644,000 students returned to class. The article also said that all middle school students are required to have proof that they have been vaccinated against whooping cough. Sixth-graders are not required to have the booster shot.

John Wayne: An article in the Sept. 7 Calendar section about John Wayne memorabilia being auctioned quoted the late actor’s son, Ethan Wayne, as saying that his father’s Congressional Medal of Honor would not be among the items put up for sale. John Wayne received a Congressional Gold Medal, not the Medal of Honor.

Public nudity: In the Sept. 8 Section A, a photo caption accompanying a story about proposed public nudity regulations in San Francisco said a man in the photo was sitting outside the entrance to the Castro BART station. It was a MUNI station.


Battleship Iowa: An article in the Sept. 7 LATExtra section about the Navy’s choice of Los Angeles as home for the retired battleship Iowa said that the vessel served as Adm. William F. Halsey’s flagship at the 1945 surrender of Japan. Halsey’s four-star flag was moved temporarily to the Iowa from his usual flagship, the Missouri, where the surrender was signed and where the five-star flags of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Adm. Chester W. Nimitz flew.
