
For the record - Feb. 9, 2014

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Sochi weather: A chart on weekend weather in Sochi, Russia, in the Feb. 8 Sochi Olympics section gave the predicted temperatures as a high of 12 and low of 6 on Saturday, and a high of 14 and low of 8 on Sunday. Those figures were in Celsius. The predicted temperatures in Fahrenheit were 52 and 42 for Saturday, and 58 and 48 for Sunday.

Jackie Collins: In the Sunday Conversation feature in the Calendar section elsewhere in this edition, the title of author Jackie Collins’ latest novel was given as “Lucky: Confessions of a Wild Child.” The title is “Confessions of a Wild Child.” The error was discovered after the section went to press.

La Habra Heights: An article in the Feb. 2 California section about ongoing disputes between residents and the city of La Habra Heights said that George Edwards has gotten into physical fights with residents at council meetings. Altercations involving Edwards have occurred at a public vote-counting at City Hall and at a meeting of the La Habra Heights Improvement Assn.


National Security Agency: An article in the Feb. 2 Section A on the effects of Edward Snowden’s leaks of National Security Agency secrets said that the White House backed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, a cybersecurity measure. In fact, the White House threatened to veto the proposed bill in April.

High school basketball: A headline on an article in the Feb. 2 Sports section about the Nike Extravaganza basketball tournament said that point guards from Etiwanda and St. John Bosco led their teams to victories. The headline should have referred to point guards from Etiwanda and Corona Centennial.

Dodgers: An article in the Feb. 2 Sports section about when the Dodgers’ Matt Kemp may return to action said that the opening game for the Dodgers domestically is April 1 against the Padres in San Diego. It is March 30 at San Diego.
