
Front page: Los Angeles Times | Sunday, June 22, 2014

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Valley of Fire: A year of agonized, unanswered questions

Matthew Teague, foreign and national correspondent, visited Yarnell, Ariz., during the deadly June 2013 fire and again several months later, and conducted dozens of interviews with survivors of the blaze, firefighters and fire scientists. Read the story

Gov. Jerry Brown's prison reforms haven't lived up to his billing

Paige St. John, who covers criminal justice, writes that while Gov. Brown declared California's prison emergency over in 2013, the numbers tell a different story. "Today, California is spending nearly $2 billion a year more on incarceration than when Brown introduced his strategy in 2011." Read the story

In devising a plan in Iraq, U.S. looks to its Yemen model

Kathleen Hennessey, White House correspondent since 2011, writes, "An impoverished country on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen has played host to a powerful and ambitious network of Islamist militants linked to Al Qaeda. The United States has attacked it with an extensive counter-terrorism campaign that includes drone strikes by both the Pentagon and the CIA." Read the story

Pressure builds against France's ban on fracking

Henry Chu, reporting from Paris, writes that France may be sitting on one of the biggest deposits of shale gas in Western Europe. But, "There's just one hitch: Fracking is forbidden in France. And the current government has pledged to keep it that way." Read the story

As hobby drone use increases, so do concerns about privacy, security

Metro reporter Joseph Serna writes, "Although the Federal Aviation Administration has a host of regulations about how private businesses and law enforcement can use drones, there are few rules covering the casual hobbyist." Read the story
