
Package sent to California tax agency is filled with dog feces

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Someone wanted to send a message to the California Franchise Tax Board, and it stinks.

A package opened in the tax-collecting agency’s mailroom in Sacramento on Monday caused an evacuation until firefighters determined the substance was – technically -- harmless: dog feces.

The dog waste was inside a leaky container within the package, said Capt. Michelle Eidam of the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District. Workers called authorities once they saw the liquid had leaked, noticed the odd smell and saw it had no message and no specific addressee. It was sent through standard mail.

“They did exactly what they should’ve done,” Eidam said. Metro fire’s hazmat crew and the California Highway Patrol went to the scene and told the 100 or so mail workers to leave. After donning protective suits with gas masks, crews entered the building and tested the substance and concluded it wasn’t dangerous – just smelly.


“I’m sure it was not lovely,” Eidam said.

The scene was cleared and workers were allowed to return.

“FTB takes these matters very seriously and the package has been turned over to the CHP for investigation,” the agency said in a statement.

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