
Arriving passenger at LAX found not to have Ebola

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A United Airlines flight that landed at Los Angeles International Airport on Sunday afternoon was diverted to a remote gate after a passenger on the plane exhibited “flu-like symptoms” associated with Ebola, but it was later determined the passenger was not at risk for the deadly virus.

Before the plane had reach the airport, officials were alerted to a sick passenger on board United Flight 703 from New York, airport spokeswoman Sgt. Karla Ortiz said.

The plane taxied to an isolated gate on the far west side of LAX, away from the central terminal, Ortiz said.


The ill passenger was removed from the plane and taken to a local hospital, said a statement from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. It was later determined that the patient was not at risk for the Ebola virus.

“Ebola has been ruled out in this case,” said Karen May, a spokeswoman for United Airlines.

Health officials said there was no risk of Ebola infection to any of the passengers or crew on the flight.

For more news about Los Angeles and Ebola, follow @LATangel, @LATvives and @raablauren on Twitter.
