
Video footage shows large mountain lion standing atop car

Surveillance video shows a mountain lion jumping atop a San Jose resident’s car. Note: Year shown in video timestamp is incorrect.

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A San Jose man got the surprise of a lifetime when he realized the thing that had caused his car alarm to go off early Tuesday was a mountain lion -- that had climbed onto the roof.

Surveillance video footage captured the scene when David Tang’s alarm system went off about 2:50 a.m.

“I didn’t expect that,” he said after reviewing the footage. “I thought someone passed by.”


Tang said he went public with his video to inform his neighbors, so they can “pay attention to the wildlife situation.”

Neighbors told ABC San Francisco that the mountain lion may have wandered into the area from nearby Almaden County Quicksilver Park.

Wildlife often pass through Tang’s neighborhood; it is not uncommon to see wild boar and coyotes.


But a mountain lion standing on a car was a first.

“He can hide anywhere,” Tang said.

Last month, a 65-pound mountain lion attacked a 6-year-old boy in Cupertino, Calif., near the Picchetti Ranch Zinfandel Trail.

Authorities tracked that cougar for days until they finally found and killed it.

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