
Tell us all about your experiences with the heat wave

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Mudslides. Flash flooding. Fires sparked by lightning strikes. Closed beaches. Power outages. Sticky nights.

This week's heat wave across Southern California has been unpleasant.

With more heat and storm activity expected this afternoon and evening, please share your photos and experiences with The Times.

Temperatures are expected to climb into the upper 90s and triple digits for a third straight day.

Because of warm ocean temperatures and high humidity, it barely cooled off overnight, and shade and wind can’t help those without air conditioning.

“It’s still going to be very humid, so fans and opening windows aren’t going to cut it,” said National Weather Service meteorologist Stefanie Sullivan.

Have a great photo of extreme weather?  What are the temps like near you?  Send us your photos on Facebook, or post it to Instagram or Twitter with #LATweather.

By using #LATweather on your photo, you certify that you took the photo and are giving the Los Angeles Times permission to use your photo in print, on and on Los Angeles Times social media accounts, and you agree to abide by our terms of service.


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