
Kucinich files suit over U.S. involvement in Libya

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Antiwar Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) filed suit in federal court Wednesday seeking to halt the U.S. military action in Libya, saying it is unconstitutional.

Kucinich and Republican Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, another longtime war critic, led a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the latest challenge to the White House’s authority to conduct the campaign without seeking congressional approval under the War Powers Act.

Photos: U.S., allies strike targets in Libya


“With regard to the war in Libya, we believe that the law was violated,” Kucinich said. “We have asked the courts to move to protect the American people from the results of these illegal policies.”

Lawmakers have become increasingly uneasy over the administration’s interactions with Congress about the scope and duration of U.S. involvement in the NATO-led mission.

The House passed a resolution this month demanding a report from the White House on the military operation. House Speaker John Boehner sent the White House a letter this week saying the administration would be in violation of the act on Sunday, the 90th day of military engagement, and the limit allowed without congressional approval under the Vietnam War-era policy.


The White House has said it was preparing “extensive information” to present to Congress on a “whole host” of issues about the Libya campaign.
