
Rick Santorum launches radio ad for presidential campaign

Rick Santorum speaks with a reporter as he mingles with the crowd after announcing his presidential candidacy.
(Jeff Swensen / Getty Images)
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If the Republican presidential nomination was awarded to the candidate with the most persistence, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum would surely emerge victorious. He first visited Iowa back in 2009 and has been out-touring the other candidates at a frenzied pace in the early primary states for months.

Now he’s going to be the first Republican candidate to go up on the air with a 60-second radio spot -- eight months before the New Hampshire primary -- beginning Monday on satellite radio nationwide and later on local stations in New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina.

In the ad, Santorum calls the nation’s debt “immoral.”

“Someone has to have the courage to tell the American public we can’t afford the government we have right now and we need to cut it back across the board.”


He said America’s founders would be astounded that the government borrows money to provide for people today and pass off the debt to future generations.

“The promise we have to the next generation is to hand off America in better shape than it was handed to us and right now we’re not going to do that,” he concludes.

Listen here.
