
Watch Bernie Sanders slay the room with ‘damn emails’ line

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The first Democratic primary debate was surprisingly entertaining.

In between Lincoln Chafee leading with a boast about his lack of scandals and Jim Webb cheerfully referencing the time he killed a man, there were lots of good moments. But the highlight was definitely when Bernie Sanders weighed in on Hillary Rodham Clinton's ongoing email saga.

After responding to a question from moderator Anderson Cooper about the email scandal, Clinton finished by saying, "Tonight, I want to talk, not about my emails, but about what the American people want from the next president of the United States!"

Sanders decided to jump in.

"Let me say this. Let me say something that may not be great politics," he said. "But I think the secretary is right. And that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!"

"Thank you," she responded. "Me too. Me too."

Sanders briefly pontificated on his campaign talking points before ending with "Enough of the emails" and reaching out to shake hands with his top opponent.

The crowd went wild. So did the Internet.

Our watch party at the Regent Theater also liked it:

Sanders' campaign -- which sent several fundraising emails throughout the night -- wasted no time making the most of the positive response.

Will "enough about your damn emails" become a meme as enduring as Romney's "binders full of women"? Perhaps.

And finally, a sentiment we can all agree with.

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