
Democratic Party head to vote for Iran Deal

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Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Sunday that she will vote in favor of the Iran nuclear agreement.

The South Florida congresswoman said two of her concerns about the deal had been potential danger to Israel, and doubts over the effectiveness of enforcement of the deal.

Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” she choked up a bit when the conversation turned to the inner debate she faced as a Jew, and the possible backlash she will get from Jewish constituents.


“There’s nothing more important to me as a Jew to ensure Israel’s existence,” she said on CNN. “It is the homeland of my people.”

President Barack Obama has lobbied hard for Democratic support for the agreement, which would ease economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for curbs on the country’s nuclear program. He has also made pitches to U.S. Jewish leaders to counter opposition to the deal by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Obama has 38 Senate votes, all from Democrats, in support of the Iran deal. That guarantees that if Congress votes to disapprove the deal this month and Obama vetoes that measure as he has said he will he will have the 34 Senate votes to keep Republicans from overriding his action.


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