
Cute houses that don’t cost a fortune — in L.A.?

Despite the real estate market's woes, homeownership remains a goal for thousands in Southern California, and communities continue to look for ways of building more affordable options for the region's growing population. In Los Angeles, the City Council passed the Small Lot Subdivision Ordinance in 2004, allowing developers to build single-family homes or detached town houses on lots smaller than 5,000 square feet. The measure also allows existing rental properties such as the Maltman bungalows in Silver Lake, shown here, to be converted into single-family houses that residents can buy. Most of the 17 Maltman bungalows are one-bedroom units with about 700 square feet of living space and tiny gardens — an appealing alternative to condo living for some buyers. More... • Fledgling home projects emerge from L.A.'s small-lot ordinance Also in Home & Garden • Hallie Holtzman's Westwood garden bears fruit and flowers • From blah bath to ah, spa • Cute houses that don't cost a fortune — in L.A.? • Eye Candy: Home & Garden Photo Galleries
Despite the real estate market’s woes, homeownership remains a goal for thousands in Southern California, and communities continue to look for ways of building more affordable options for the region’s growing population. In Los Angeles, the City Council passed the Small Lot Subdivision Ordinance in 2004, allowing developers to build single-family homes or detached town houses on lots smaller than 5,000 square feet.

The measure also allows existing rental properties such as the Maltman bungalows in Silver Lake, shown here, to be converted into single-family houses that residents can buy. Most of the 17 Maltman bungalows are one-bedroom units with about 700 square feet of living space and tiny gardens — an appealing alternative to condo living for some buyers.


Fledgling home projects emerge from L.A.’s small-lot ordinance

Also in Home & Garden

Hallie Holtzman’s Westwood garden bears fruit and flowers
From blah bath to ah, spa
Cute houses that don’t cost a fortune — in L.A.?
Eye Candy: Home & Garden Photo Galleries
(Axel Koester / For the Los Angeles Times)
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The Maltman Bungalows in Silver Lake represent that rare Southern California combination: small houses, good location, not-so-outrageous prices. Take a peek at this development and other attempts to achieve similar success.
