
Vote till you drop

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You want democracy? You got it. The Feb. 5 primary was just an appetizer. The June 3 election -- the one that was to be California’s presidential primary before we moved it up four months -- is coming fast, and though it lacks presidential glamour, it packs in crucial choices for the Legislature, the Superior Court and the county Board of Supervisors, plus a key decision on rent control and eminent domain. Then comes the big show -- the Nov. 4 presidential election -- and then we’re done for a while. Right?

Not even close. Today begins the one-year countdown to the first round of Los Angeles’ city elections, in which Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will be up for a second term and voters will be picking a new city attorney and controller. They’ll also be voting in eight City Council and three school board races. Although filing doesn’t officially start until the day before the presidential election, candidates already have opened their campaign accounts and are raising money. For voters, it’s a marathon. Enjoy the run.
