
Letters: Boot camp for teachers

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Re “Targeted lesson,” July 29

The Marine Corps’ efforts to afford educators “a more nuanced view of the military” are commendable. Anyone who has an important role in forming the future leaders of our nation has a duty to present balanced perspectives on the vocational options best suiting their charges.

The finest take-away from a stint at the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot in San Diego for educators would be a deeper appreciation that it is the civilian arm of our government that actually wields the military lever of national power. Our educators should encourage elected officials and those who vote for them to be the best possible stewards of the most essential asset our military has: the men and women who make up its ranks.


Shaun S. Brown

San Diego

This is an informative article about a well-designed outreach program put on by the Marine Corps. I applaud its effort to educate the educators, which should result in better-informed career choices by graduating students. The article highlights open-mindedness by several teachers, who say they will use this information to guide their students.

Unfortunately, the article also provides insight to the prejudicial attitudes of many teachers and counselors, including leaders — a president and an elected treasurer — in two major teacher groups. With such opposition to the Marine Corps embedded in teachers unions, we have yet another case for expanding choice (including vouchers) in public education.

Jim McGlothlin

Palos Verdes Estates


As the teachers have fun at pretend boot camp (knowing that they will not be sent to war), are they also being instructed on the very important fact that sexual assault on women in the military by their peers remains a pervasive problem? According to a 2003 report in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 28% of women in the military report being victims of sexual assault.

If those teachers care about their students’ physical and emotional health, they will find out more about life in the military than what the military tells them at boot camp.

Robin Gilbert

North Hills


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