
More barriers to a solution in Iraq

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Re “In Baghdad, a wall rises to contain bloodshed,” April 20

Have we stooped so low that religious discrimination is now official policy? Our nation was founded on freedom of religion, but now, in another land, our misguided military leaders have taken it upon themselves to force religious ghettos on the people of Iraq.

As our military sinks further into fomenting sectarian violence by favoring groups or walling off neighborhoods, the only reaction will be further hatred of Americans. Our military presence in Iraq is based on ignorance and can come to no good. Bring our troops home now and stop the slaughter.


Los Angeles



I am relieved after reading that the U.S. military is constructing a 3-mile-long concrete wall to control a resistive Sunni Arab district. With the billions being spent on the war, I feel reassured that the money is being spent on such practical matters as mortar and cement instead of intangible innovation and meaningless mediation. Finally, we are focusing on a practical means of securing unity and peace for Iraq.

But a suggestion for military strategy and intelligence personnel is to build the wall just a few feet higher so all hope for unifying Iraq is blocked out.





Why is it that when I read this story, the first thing that leapt to my mind was Germany walling off the Jewish Warsaw ghetto during World War II? Wall off all of the Sunnis into one area of the city where they are easier to exterminate?


Once upon a time, even the idea that our leaders would come up with something that horrible was unthinkable. But now? I just don’t know. Maybe they really would go that far.


Los Angeles


The ironies of the Iraq “war of liberation” grow more pointed daily. Now it seems that our way of liberating Iraqis is to build concrete walls to separate them from each other. I say, “Mr. Bush, tear down this wall.”


Santa Monica
