
Sarah Palin emails: Palin anticipated questions on environment, polar bears

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As the presidential campaign steamed forward in September 2008, then- Gov. Sarah Palin alerted aides back in Alaska to be prepared for questions about her record on the environment -- and specifically polar bears.

Her administration had fought federal protections for polar bears, even going to court to assert that the projections for a dramatic shrinking of the bears’ icy habitat were unreliable and that polar bears are already protected enough.

In a Sept. 15, 2008, email to Larry Hartig, her commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation, Palin warned them to be ready for the topic to come up.


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“Hi guys! Checkin in. I anticipate folks will be inquiring about our polar bear issue, though it hasnt cropped up yet that I’ve heard of,” she wrote. “Climate change is a top issue of course. Just head’s up. Also, predator control’s been quiet, but let me know if the issue’s volume gets turned up and I need to respond to anything. Thanks guys! Hang in there... I appreciate you sincerely.”

Hartig shot back a reply within 30 minutes: “Thanks, Governor. We are prepared to respond to questions from the media on the work your administration is doing relating to Climate Change. I’ll keep Mike and Joe informed and provide any other assistance I can. Best wishes on the campaign trail!”

Denby Lloyd, the state’s Dept. of Fish and Game commissioner, also responded, noting the state had received a number of press inquiries about polar bears and predator control “but nothing out of the ordinary (other than the number and frequency).”


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