
Letters: Spain reaches out to Sephardic Jews

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Re “A move to right a historic wrong,” March 27

I commend Spain for its impending offer of citizenship to the descendants of Jews expelled in 1492 during the Inquisition. However, the comment by Israeli lawyer Amit Ben-Aroya — that he can “only guess this is partly related to the economic situation in Spain and the thought of Israeli high-tech and other fields that could offer superb growth engines for the economy” — rings all too true to history.

The real reason King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled the Jews was to get ahold of their money.

Spanish colonization in the Americas as well as the struggle to remove the “infidel” Moors from Spain were draining the country’s coffers. The Jews were the merchant class and knew how to make and handle their finances. As a small, vulnerable group, they were ripe targets for the throne’s greed and need.


Perhaps along with offering citizenship, the Spanish government might learn some lessons from these descendants on how to become and remain fiscally responsible.

Naneki Elliott

Santa Barbara

The article does not mention the royal visit in 1987 of the Spanish king and his wife to Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel in Los Angeles.

This was the first visit of a Spanish monarch to a Sephardic synagogue in the United States. It was a very solemn occasion full of pomp and reverence that was attended by more than 500 people.

A plaque is mounted on the wall at the entrance of the temple commemorating the event.

Saul Mathalon


Woodland Hills


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