
Readers React: Donald Sterling is sorry. Apology not accepted.

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Ah, nothing like an earnest apology, delivered straight from the heart. (“Sterling apologizes for comments, saying they were ‘terrible mistake,’” May 11)

After weeks of being dragged through the media muck — during which this billionaire doubtless consulted with legal counsel and public relations professionals — Clippers owner Donald Sterling finally goes public to say he’s sorry and that he is not a racist.

As some late-night TV show host might put it, that’s good enough for me.

Edward Alston


Santa Maria

At first I could not understand what Sterling was apologizing for. Then it came to me: He was sorry that he had shown the world that deep down in his heart, he held racist beliefs and had inadvertently said them to someone who recorded them.

Sterling’s “mistake” was to say them in such a setting, and that was what he was sorry for. Nice try.


Robert Bacon

Morro Bay

Sterling said: “I caused the problem. I don’t know how to correct it.”

Step 1: Sell the team.

Michael Sachs


Santa Monica
