
Readers React: The Sterlings could learn from Bertha Wooldridge

Bertha Wooldridge calls Councilman Gilbert Cedillo's office from her Westlake hardware store to notify them of a problem.
(Christina House / For The Times)
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How interesting that an article about Donald Sterling’s lawsuits, which have been aimed at all kinds of people, would appear on the same page as the story of community do-gooder Bertha Wooldridge. (“Westlake hardware store owner dispenses tools for life,” Column One, May 20)

Donald and Shelly Sterling should be sentenced to spend a few months volunteering for Wooldridge and her husband in their Westlake hardware store. Perhaps some of their goodwill, compassion and urge to do the right thing for their community would rub off.

Or perhaps ownership of the L.A. Clippers should go to Wooldridge; the organization would be in sturdy, capable hands.


In the end, even after working for almost two decades in law enforcement, I still believe that there are more Wooldridges than Sterlings in the world. Thank God. Los Angeles is better because of that.

Jennifer Swoboda

Long Beach


Enough! Please stop giving Sterling any more attention. Get him off the front page.

Instead, please focus on ways to fix a judicial system that allows people like Sterling to take over the courts, distort the intent of our laws and waste taxpayers’ money.

Also, shine a brighter light on people like Wooldridge, who uses her heart to help her customers and neighbors solve problems. Sterling is part of what ails our society; Wooldridge is part of the solution.

Genie Saffren


Los Angeles
