
Readers React: Focus on Sterling’s actions, not his words

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The case against Donald Sterling is based not on any specific racist action he took but instead entirely on remarks he made during a private conversation. (“NBA makes its case against Clippers owner Donald Sterling,” May 20)

Did L.A. Clippers lineups during Sterling’s 33 years of ownership indicate a preference for whites? If they had, we surely would have heard by now.

Sterling employed one of the first black general managers, Elgin Baylor. He had ample opportunity during 22 years to fire Baylor as a scapegoat because the team was terrible. When he finally fired him, Baylor sued on racial grounds — and the suit went nowhere.


Last year, Sterling let his white coach go and hired Doc Rivers. Are these the actions of a racist?

Sterling’s fellow NBA team owners did nothing for 33 years while Sterling simply operated as cheaply as he could and laughed all the way to the bank. The league’s reaction to loose talk could have ended up costing owners a whole lot of money.

Bill Bradshaw


San Diego

Enough already with this obsession most readers do not share. How many times can you look at the same photo of this man?

We are tired of any and all stories about Donald and Shelly Sterling. This is not headline news, considering what is going on in the world.


Erika Blos

Santa Barbara
