
Letters: Uber’s big issues

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Re “Let the taxi app roll,” Opinion, Dec. 4

Jonah Goldberg perpetuates the myth pushed by Uber, a car service customers can hail using their smartphones, that our laws may be selectively enforced. It is Uber, not the apps that compete against it, that has been ticketed by authorities for violations of public safety regulations. It is Uber that is being sued by cities, individual drivers and other transportation companies.

Uber provides what amounts to a taxicab service at a rate up to 60% above the regulated fare. It uses a taximeter that is not approved by regulatory authorities. What if all taxis set their own rates and padded the bill at peak hours, after major sports events or during storms?


Uber would like people to believe it is David to America’s corporate Goliaths. Yet the vast majority of taxi companies are law-abiding small businesses, and all L.A. cab companies are driver-owned. Who is the corporate bully here?

William Rouse

Los Angeles


The writer is president of the Taxicab, Limousine & Paratransit Assn.


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