
Letters: Get out of Afghanistan

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Re “Afghan ‘insider’ killings threaten, alter exit strategy,” Sept. 19

President Obama inherited two expensive wars. He eliminated Osama bin Laden, so I take it our troops’ extended stay was intended to train Afghans to fight the Taliban.

This is not a country in which we have a strong national interest. It does not cherish our presence, nor is it willing to adopt our democratic ways. Its leaders are corrupt. Now the same policemen we trained are killing our troops.


If NATO forces are no longer patrolling alongside Afghan security personnel, what keeps us from speeding up the withdrawal of our soldiers? The Taliban will most likely regain control over much of Afghanistan soon, and if the president were to ask us, most would say they don’t care.

Loli Henderson

Laguna Niguel


Two weeks of scripted party convention speeches offered nothing new about our most pressing problem: the death struggles of Americans in Afghanistan. Only one person had the unedited guts to pose this prime-time question to our president: “Why don’t you just bring them home tomorrow morning?”’

Apparently, the media felt that Clint Eastwood’s empty-chair prop was more important than his words.

Tim Clark


Los Angeles


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