
Letters: Worrying about gray wolves

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Re “Wolves may lose U.S. protections,” April 26

I was saddened to read that the Obama administration is apparently giving up on true recovery of gray wolves in the Lower 48 states.

As a wildlife biologist and an attorney, I am disappointed by the increasing role that politics have played recently in decisions related to the Endangered Species Act. Just like the delisting two years ago of wolves in the Northern Rockies, this proposed nationwide delisting is driven by politics, not science. Decisions like these weaken the integrity of the Endangered Species Act.


If the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service goes forward and officially removes protection for the wolves, it will open the door to political assaults on other imperiled species.

Jennifer Loda



Year 2013: How can the most “intelligent” species still be hunting another intelligent mammal for fun? If this were 1813 or earlier, there might not have been enough diversions and killing animals for sport was what people who could afford it did.

Today, killing shouldn’t be what people do for fun. It should only be allowed when necessary for human protection and survival.

James Hetherman




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