
Letters: Making a world less disposable

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Re “Getting nicked by razor blade makers,” Column, Feb. 1

Ralph Nader warned of built-in obsolescence in the 1960s. Back then, we ladies were asking, “If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t they come up with a sheer stocking that doesn’t run?”

We live in a disposable world, and most financing and corporate planning seems based on that. It sort of makes a joke of recycling.


David Lazarus’ column on razor blades that seem built not to last touches on a theme that crosses my mind almost daily. Perhaps something innovative could come of giving attention to this fact of modern industry, including restarting some businesses that have been shut down in the last several decades.

Beverly Clower



Lazarus misses something important about owning a ceramic razor blade that lasts for years but costs $100. That blade would need to be carefully protected from damage, theft or just plain misplacement. I don’t think many men would leave home with a razor blade that might be the most valuable thing in their suitcase.

Razor blade insurance policies, anyone?

Ken Feldman

Chino Hills



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