
Letters: Volunteering for foster kids

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Re “To limit child tragedies, give protectors more help,” July 27

Sandy Banks writes that “foster children don’t have many champions.”

I believe there are so many people in L.A. County who, like me, would become “champions” if given the opportunity to volunteer.

We cried when we read about the death of 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez and all the other children in the system who were abused or died. People would volunteer to be their champions.


Retired people frequently do volunteer work, and we would certainly give up some time to save children’s lives. We used to be secretaries, teachers, police officers, firefighters, lawyers, construction workers and more; we could help out in the office and do much more.

I have a friend in another state who took a course that lasted several months to become a volunteer at a hospice. Why not start a similar program in Los Angeles County for retirees eager to serve foster youth and overburdened social workers?

Marcia A. Jackson


Canyon Country


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