
Letters: NFL stadium, value or waste?

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Re “Officials roll with AEG’s punches,” March 16

While riding a shuttle home from Los Angeles International Airport after returning from a business trip last week, I passed Exposition Park, with its multitude of venues. As a native Angeleno who remembers visiting the museums, attending the circus at the Sports Arena and watching Rams games at the Coliseum, I was struck with nostalgia.

How ironic to read just after that about the turmoil surrounding the canceled sale of entertainment giant AEG and the doubtful future of the football stadium it planned on building in downtown L.A.


I understand that the neighborhood around USC has changed dramatically over the years, but given this development, are we absolutely certain that nothing can be done to revitalize what’s right in front of us? With some visionary civic leadership and the entertainment industry’s creative abilities, we can surely come up with a financially feasible solution.

Phillip Hain



Los Angeles just got through defeating a sales tax measure that would have gone a long way toward remedying the supposed “dire straits” situation of the city. We don’t have the transportation infrastructure to remotely handle the game-day traffic that the new stadium would have caused. Many of us are still unemployed or underemployed and can’t afford tickets to an early matinee at the cineplex, let alone an NFL football game.

Why don’t we just give this stadium thing a rest until after the economy picks up a bit? We taxpayers can think of so many better ways to use the money spent building a stadium — ways that would benefit the whole city, not just the NFL and AEG.

Mary Edwards


Los Angeles


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