
Letters: Don’t forget chronic pain sufferers

Congress is considering tighter restrictions on the powerful painkiller hydrocodone.
(Toby Talbot / Associated Press)
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Re “Bill aimed at pain drug’s abuse,” March 21

Left out of this article was any concern the members of Congress seeking to place tighter restrictions on the painkiller hydrocodone might have for people who actually suffer from chronic pain. The only folks who will be affected by this effort to limit the number of accidental overdose deaths by a very few are those patients who suffer with constant, severe pain.

I happen to be one of those people; my deteriorating spine makes life a struggle. Add to people like me those living with with cancer or other painful incurable conditions, and you have a large group of very frightened people — frightened because their doctors may just give up prescribing enough medication to reduce their suffering.


My dislike of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle has increased considerably. They should focus instead on solving the country’s real problems.

Eileen Weston

San Dimas



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