
Please, no more campaign email

"I Voted" stickers are seen at a polling station in Los Angeles on May 21, 2013.
(Robyn Beck / AFP/Getty Images)
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It’s not just the old-school campaign mail that I’ll be happy to do without, now that the election is over. It’s the email, too.

I admit, the email was my choice. Anyone can sign up online to be on a candidate’s email list, so I signed up with both Eric Garcetti and Wendy Greuel. Maybe you did too. I could unsubscribe at any time, so I have no right to complain. But sometimes it’s like watching an accident or staring through a neighbor’s open window; you can’t help yourself.

Garcetti’s email clearly was built on, online software and email systems for community organizing, nonprofits and political campaigns. It looks like Greuel’s was too, and if not, it was something very similar. Emails from both camps have the same format, look and feel.


But I’m not sure the ones from the Greuel camp were supposed to go to mere lurkers like me. Here are some recent samples. This first one came with a subject line that reads, “After you vote, can you call Ronald?”:

Robert --

This is it. It’s Election Day -- and this race will come down to how many Angelenos show up at the polls.

Believe it or not, there are still a lot of folks out there who haven’t decided if they’re going to vote today.


So this what we need to do:

After you cast your ballot, please take a moment to give Ronald and Ernest a call, share with them why you’re a part of this campaign, and then tell them where they can go vote today:

And then it’s got the full names of two registered voters, their phone numbers and their polling places. Am I really supposed to be getting this? Did you get something similar?

Here’s another one, from last weekend, with five real voter names and phone numbers. They sent them to me, so I suppose I could publish them, but of course I won’t.


Robert --

We crunched the numbers, and we’ve identified an additional 150,000 Angelenos who need a personal reminder to vote this Tuesday, May 21.

So, I have a quick assignment for you this weekend:

Can you call these five people -- and remind them why they should vote for Wendy? …

Sharing your personal story about why you’re backing Wendy on Tuesday is the best way you can help lead this campaign to victory.

Let these folks know why you think Wendy is the most qualified candidate with a breadth of experience in both the private and public sector. And share with them your favorite parts of Wendy’s plan to lead LA forward by reforming our public schools, creating jobs, and keeping our neighborhoods safe.

So kick off your shoes, have a cup of coffee and help get out the vote from the comforts of your own home.

And when you’re done making these calls, sign up to volunteer in one of our offices to get out the vote with folks in your neighborhood:

It’s going to be a close election -- so thanks for your help!


P.S. -- If you can’t make these calls, please chip in $5 or more right now to help us give more resources to volunteers and organizers who are getting out the vote.


Here’s one of my favorites:

Robert --

We’re getting ready to close the books on this election -- and I just wanted to send one last email to thank you for everything you’re doing to help Wendy win.

According to our records associated with this exact email address, here’s what your record will look like:

-- Total you’ve donated: $0

-- Your most recent donation: Pending

-- Suggested donation today: $5

Bump it up a bit -- donate $5 or more before Tuesday.

On Tuesday, this race will be over, and we’ll know whether we made history and moved Los Angeles forward with a proven leader who will fight for all Angelenos -- or whether we came up short.

Let’s not have any regrets on Election Night.

Are you with me? Chip in $5 or more to leave your final mark on this election:

Help finish this race strong -- and then let’s celebrate at Exchange LA, starting at 8:01 p.m. on Tuesday.

Hope to see you there,


P.S. If we got your supporter record wrong, it may be because you gave at a recent event, with a different email address, or very recently. Thank you for your support, and please let us know if we need to update your record for this exact email address.

This is a mistake, right? I know it’s not just me, because Kevin Roderick at LAObserved reported getting similar emails. Did the Greuel campaign get its lists crossed? Or maybe the campaign just figured, “What the heck, we’ll send everything to everyone? How could it hurt?”



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