
Letters to the Editor: UC and CSU are already packed. How can they possibly expand access?

Students walk on an empty UCLA campus in Westwood in August 2020.
Students walk on an empty UCLA campus in Westwood in August 2020. Tens of thousands of students eligible for UC and CSU enrollment are being shut out.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: I attended a state university and graduated in the mid-1970s. Even then I was unable to get prerequisite classes that I needed due to the lack of available instructors, causing a delay in graduating. (“Too many qualified students are shut out of UC, CSU. A new study offers some solutions,” Dec. 15)

Almost 30 years later, my daughter attended another state university and experienced the same issue. Required classes were offered only once each year because of the lack of teachers. Evidently some things never change.

Now the University of California and California State University systems are being asked to increase enrollment because there are more students in the state qualified for admission who are being shut out. That would be a grand gesture, especially since they are dropping the ACT and SAT entrance exams.


My only question is this: Who is going to teach them? All you are doing is providing students with nothing more than delays, frustration and despair, especially with the loan debt they will acquire.

Martin Mangione, Arroyo Grande


To the editor: I have two grandchildren who will soon face the crisis in California’s educational system — not enough spots for qualified students.


The state currently has a huge budget surplus. Why not use part of it to redirect these students to private institutions with open seats?

Ellen Swallow, Rancho Mission Viejo
