
Letters to the Editor: Now’s a good time to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

Equal Rights Amendment supporters demonstrate outside the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond, Va., on Jan. 8, 2020.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: Why isn’t anyone talking about ratifying the federal Equal Rights Amendment? As if women’s equality and freedom weren’t guaranteed by the Constitution, making it explicit with the ERA would also make it obvious that women are not treated equally to men. (“A California desert town has long been an abortion refuge for Arizona and Mexico. Now it’s overwhelmed,” July 20)

If they were, men would carry equal responsibility for pregnancy with women. After all, the baby is half of each parent.

If we feel that it’s OK to force women to carry a baby to birth, why don’t we feel that it’s OK to intrude on men’s reproductive decisions (and bodies) as well?


Here’s a suggestion: Why don’t we enforce the sterilization of all men who don’t pay the total cost of the pregnancy and half the cost of raising a child until age 18? Or some equivalent program that is equally intrusive as forcing all women to carry their pregnancies to term and, in many cases, cover the costs of child rearing herself.

Lynn McLeod, Palos Verdes


To the editor: Maybe I’m being overly cautious, but these are scary times. Some people are stimulated by media reporting to act on things they feel are right.


This is why I thought it was unnecessary to mention in your article what city a Planned Parenthood office manager resides. We all need to be careful not to put people in harm’s way.

Melinda Larsen, Westlake Village
