
Letters to the Editor: Why are we even voting on sports betting? Reject Props. 26 and 27

A tablet screen shows white rectangles with numbers against a blue screen, while large blue screens hang on a wall in back
An iPad displays the types of bets that can be placed at a gaming lounge in Sacramento in 2019.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Why are Propositions 26 and 27, both of which have to do with sports betting, on the ballot at all? Regardless of how we feel about the issues, both these ballot initiatives set up the potential for myriad collision courses — as described in your “no” endorsement for both of them — by asking voters to choose one, both or neither.

My vote personally will be no, but not because I disagree with everything the initiative backers are proposing. I plan to vote no because the numerous issues involved should be hashed out in the Legislature, not at the ballot box — and definitely not after being informed mostly by 30-second television spots.

Joan Walston, Santa Monica



To the editor: I appreciate the fact-based assessment The Times gives to the propositions that will be voted on in November.

The contrast between The Times’ well articulated editorial on Propositions 26 and 27 and the advertisements promoting these ballot measures is akin to the difference between a gift box filled with tasteful and thoughtful treats and a gift box containing an outdated lottery ticket.

The winning numbers in this instance are no votes on Propositions 26 and 27.

Ben Miles, Huntington Beach
