
Letters to the Editor: The hotter, pricier world that awaits if we don’t stop using fossil fuels

An oil drilling camp in the snow.
A ConocoPhillips exploratory drilling camp is seen in 2019 at the site of the Willow oil project on Alaska’s North Slope.
( Associated Press)
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To the editor: I appreciate your editorial exhorting us, in light of the latest United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, to reduce fossil fuel usage a lot faster. Maybe it would help to tell deniers how much they are hurting their pocketbooks, since many people care more about money than anything else.

Here are just a few examples of what will happen when 110-degree days are more common:

- All food around the globe will cost more, since farmers will have limited water and shorter workdays due to excessive heat, and they’ll need new, faraway farmland that will increase shipping costs.

- Cheap products from abroad will rise in price because producers will need to air condition their facilities so workers won’t die from the heat.


- Property insurance premiums will increase dramatically because of more destructive weather events.

The motto for fossil fuels should be, “You pay now, and you pay later.”

Edward Dignan, Long Beach


To the editor: The Times makes a pious call for officials at all levels of government to do whatever they can to dismantle the dangerous machinery of fossil fuels.


Why not lead by example? The Times’ editorial board should reveal what its members are doing to fight climate change. How many of you drive electric cars, use only electric appliances, don’t eat meat or never take an airplane flight?

If you are going to talk the talk, demonstrate how you walk the walk (or take public transportation).

Gerry Swider, Sherman Oaks



To the editor: What will it take to get us to move at the pace required to avert the worst effects of climate change? It will take everyone talking about, voting on, demonstrating for and writing, painting, shouting and performing about climate action.

Don’t thank activists for what they are doing — become an activist. Don’t wish your legislator would do something — lobby them by text and email. Don’t just wonder what you can do individually and collectively — find out and do it.

Only if we all get actively engaged will the powers that be do what is needed.

Judith Trumbo, La Cañada Flintridge
