
Letters to the Editor: Focusing on a mass shooter’s motive or identity is a distraction. It’s the guns

A mourner prays at a makeshift memorial featuring white crosses
A mourner prays after leaving flowers outside Covenant School in Nashville on March 28.
(John Amis / Associated Press)
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To the editor: As we again deal with a mass shooting tragedy, we now have the distraction of focusing on reports that the shooter was transgender. (“Police seek motive as Nashville school shooting captures the attention of a divided nation,” March 27)

According to the Violence Project, 98% of mass shooters are male. There are no clear statistics on the exact number of transgender or nonbinary perpetrators there have been, but there are no more than a handful.

If we really want to protect our children, and everyone else, maybe we should focus on men with guns. Or maybe it is time for Americans to admit that we value the right to have guns more than we value the lives of children.


Keep focusing on peripheral issues, and we will never have to face up to who we really are.

Laurie Jacobs, San Clemente


To the editor: I’m sure the shooter’s motive was anger. The gun lobby’s response will be the same: more guns. Some will say that if there were guns in the school, then there were not enough for self-defense.


The words “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” are right there in the one-sentence 2nd Amendment. But they’re being ignored because the Supreme Court, in its 2008 Heller decision, tried to trivialize them, even though they are clearly there to provide context.

Ronald Webster, Long Beach


To the editor: I have no problem with owning a gun. For the sole purpose of self-defense, I myself own a 9mm pistol that, fortunately, I’ve never had to use. But nobody needs an assault rifle for self-defense or hunting. And there’s quite literally no reason to own one other than to mow down large numbers of people all at once, who are all too often defenseless youngsters just trying to get through another day at school.


I’m also sick of the line, “Guns don’t kill, people do,” as this is precisely the cliche gun-lovers need to feel good about themselves while senseless killings continue unabated.

Robert Archerd, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: Our children are being slaughtered. We are afraid to send them to schools. We are afraid to go out to grocery stores or worship in our churches. Our country has been effectively turned into a killing field. We are dying here. We see you so-called “lawmakers” accessorizing these symbols of death, posing with assault weapons on your Christmas cards. You say you can’t do anything. You shake your head, shrug your shoulders and tell us the problem is mental illness, lack of police presence, even an open door. The solutions you are giving? Arm the teachers, give the good guys more guns, close the door. And don’t send your children to school — homeschool them!

Has your money, power or politics encased you in a shell of impotence and daftness? It’s the guns — and you are the problem. Ban assault weapons or resign.

Kit Kohler, Gardena


To the editor: A well-known definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. When if ever will it be enough? This tragedy will follow the same pattern of prayers, condolences and momentary calls to action.


The people must be organized. They must act in unison and with a resounding voice in every city throughout America to make clear to members of Congress enabling the bloodshed of the status quo that they will be voted out of office. We’ve done this before. It’s time to do it again.

Sid Pelston, Marina del Rey
