
Letters to the Editor: EV tax credits aren’t perfect, but Biden’s progress on them is worth praising

Tesla electric vehicles are parked at a dealership in Burbank on Feb. 16.
Tesla electric vehicles are parked at a dealership in Burbank on Feb. 16.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: While the points raised in The Times’ editorial on new rules for electric vehicle tax credits are true, you are viewing the “glass” of EV incentives as half-empty when it is equally half-full. There is real progress here.

By the same token, you castigate Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), only one of the slim Senate majority forcing limits to EV incentives, while failing to mention the 49 Republicans who, in lock-step, are opposed to virtually any EV incentives. If even a few “moderate” conservatives worked with Democrats, Manchin’s significance would evaporate.

Those who appreciate the urgency of the climate crisis must acknowledge, no matter how painfully, that there is a large and powerful constituency that doesn’t agree. These are people who simply reject reasoned debate due to the culture war and the political success of “say no to everything” tactics.


The fact that carmakers are now bringing jobs and production to North America to meet the new requirements is a big win for the Biden administration and will help build public support for electrification of the car industry. That is something to celebrate.

E.J. Parker, Long Beach


To the editor: One aspect not considered by many EV buyers is that we’re talking about federal tax credits, not credits toward purchase. This is a significant difference.

If you are retired or a low-income earner, you may not owe enough in taxes to make this “credit” worth anything. It is not a direct payment or discount. Without knowing this fact, it may feel like a “bait and switch” scheme.

To make a real difference, EV incentives should involve direct credits off the purchase price of a car.

Robert Bachmann, Los Angeles



To the editor: If you can’t afford an electric car, perhaps you should consider an electric bike.

They are much cheaper and much more climate-friendly. Plus, you’ll be able to whiz past traffic in the bike lane.

Justin Johnson, Redondo Beach
