
Letters to the Editor: Chief Justice Roberts, fix the rot in your court before voters make Congress do it

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. arrives for President Biden's inauguration at the. Capitol on Jan. 20, 2021.
(Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: I am outraged at the corruption and blatant disregard for ethical norms being shown by members of the U.S. Supreme Court, especially Justice Clarence Thomas. I won’t list the scandals — everyone is well aware of them. Luxury trips with a GOP billionaire are only the latest example of how ultra-wealthy right-wingers gain access and potentially exercise influence with Thomas and others. It’s despicable.

Americans no longer trust the Supreme Court. We don’t believe it’s impartial. We don’t believe it’s apolitical. We don’t believe it is just. How incredibly sad.

Many are advocating for Congress to pass a code of ethics for the high court, but unfortunately Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has opted to ask Chief Justice G. Roberts Jr. to take this task upon himself. I have exactly zero faith that Roberts will.


I urge the chief justice to do something about the rot in his court. Otherwise the voters will not stop until Congress does.

Jessica Craven, Los Angeles



To the editor: It should be no mystery as to why there is such a lack accountability in our society today. Even a casual watcher of TV or radio listener is instructed by the ads not to ever own up to your transgressions. They go something like this:

“You’re a serial drinker who finally got caught endangering everyone on the road? Don’t stand up and take your punishment — call me and I will get you out of it.”

“Borrowed too much money? Call my company, we will negotiate with the bank that loaned you the money foolishly expecting you to pay it back.”


“Been cheating the IRS? Call us, we will make sure you never have to fulfill your obligations to society.”

There is no mystery here. We are being counseled every day that we need not lead honorable lives. There will always be someone willing to absolve you of your obligations, for a fee. And they will expect to be paid in full.

Fred W. Burkardt, Rancho Cucamonga


To the editor: Anyone hoping for impeachment proceedings to begin for Thomas will be waiting forever while the House is in Republican hands.

However, had the scandal in question been committed by one of the more liberal justices, does anyone doubt these same proceedings would begin forthwith? Just asking.


Mike Aguilar, Costa Mesa
