
Letters to the Editor: It’s been a year since Roe was overturned. Vote like our rights depend on it

Abortion rights supporters rally in downtown Los Angeles after the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade on June 27, 2022.
Abortion rights supporters rally in downtown Los Angeles after the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade on June 27, 2022.
(Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: It took the loss of a woman’s constitutional right to abortion to galvanize a movement. (“The post-Roe strategy: Elect more abortion access champions,” editorial, June 23)

Conservative Supreme Court justices are not nominated on merit, but on their political leanings. Former President Trump said he would nominate justices who would overturn Roe vs. Wade, and that’s what he did.

Like foosball players hanging on metal rods, the conservative members of the Supreme Court are behaving as nothing more than playthings of the rich and powerful, willing to be pushed, pulled and lavished with expensive gifts to deliver conservative outcomes.


Even more disturbing, in his book “The Shadow Docket,” law professor Stephen Vladeck reveals that almost 99% of the court’s decisions take place on the shadow docket, meaning they are “unseen, unsigned and almost always unexplained.”

In 2024, all Americans, and especially women, need to vote as though their rights depend on it, because they do.

D.H. Sloan, Los Angeles


To the editor: Common sense and a moral compass require that citizens’ tax dollars should not be used to advance the killing of unborn children.


Abortion is not about choice; it is about bloodshed. Abortion rights advocates deny justice and the unalienable right to life to the unborn by condoning their execution without judge, jury or trial.

Terry McDermott, Rancho Santa Margarita


To the editor: Two things from my 89 years as a woman:

First, I never had an abortion, and I seriously doubt I could ever have made that choice. And second, I am absolutely certain that any other woman’s decision in this respect is none of my business.

Mary Rouse, Los Angeles


To the editor: Let’s not forget that more than 74 million people voted for the bigot who packed the Supreme Court with religious fanatic judges who went on to overturn the constitutional right to an abortion.


It is going to take another year and a half to vote out a representative who does not support the right to an abortion, and more than five to get rid of any senator elected in 2022.

What is a women who is barely getting by at the poverty line and who lives in one of the 14 states with a complete ban supposed to do when she needs and wants an abortion today?

Mark Shapiro, Los Angeles
