
Letters to the Editor: Stop Trump. This time, Biden isn’t the Democrat to do it

Two side-by-side photos of two older men in dark suits and red ties
President Biden and former President Trump.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: The irony about former President Trump’s impending renomination is that Republicans have been presented with strong alternative candidates who have not been criminally indicted four times. This affirms the decrepit state of the GOP. It has relinquished its ethics and most of its core values. (“Trump is on track to sweep California’s delegates in presidential race, poll shows,” Sept. 6)

Fortunately, independents and Democrats still seem to respect honesty and the Constitution. They are the ones who will control the outcome of the next election.

The problem is many are so worried that President Biden has become feeble that they may opt for Trump as the dishonest alternative who appears to have drive and energy, probably all from Diet Coke.


There is a viable alternate path. Biden should announce that he will bow out of the race, clearing the way for a Democratic candidate who can present new leadership and vitality. That person would offer a way out of the stalemate.

That person would probably win the presidency.

William Goldman, Los Angeles


To the editor: Trump supporters in California changed the rules so that he will win all the state’s delegates, even though he is so far ahead that he would win the nomination anyway.

He lies when it’s obvious that he’s lying. He cheats when he doesn’t need to. To people who are thinking of voting for Trump, is this really the type of person you want to run this country?

And now to the Democrats: The party needs to read the riot act to Biden and tell him to step aside to make way for a new generation of Democrats.

Judy Citrin, Los Angeles
