
Letters to the Editor: Democrats can’t just rage at Trump for the next four years

President Trump speaks to reporters aboard Air Force One on Jan. 27.
(Mark Schiefelbein / Associated Press)

To the editor: I’m a registered Democrat, and since President Trump’s inauguration, I’ve vowed to look at the current administration’s decisions “from both sides now” (to borrow a quote from Joni Mitchell).

I agree with everything Robin Abcarian writes about Trump still being wrong even though he won, but I have one thing to add. Though Democrats disagree with many of Trump’s policy decisions and executive actions, we need to force ourselves to find something to try to authentically agree with. This process begins with attempting to believe it’s possible for Trump to make some decisions that may plausibly be in the country’s best interest.

If we can’t find such a decision today, perhaps we will tomorrow. I am not saying we will achieve the goal of opening our minds. I am only saying that we have to try to do so.


It is difficult but not impossible for our minds to embrace a high level of dissonance while retaining equilibrium, but the task is upon us to do so. We cannot spend the next four years ignoring everything done by this administration, nor raging against it at every turn.

Elaine Mintzer, Keene, N.H.


To the editor: I hail Abcarian for saying she isn’t wrong to oppose Trump. I feel exactly as she has explained in her column and frankly in all pieces I read from her.

Ms. Abcarian, please continue to speak your mind and state the truth, as most Californians feel the same way.


Unfortunately, there are too many who just don’t see the forest for the trees. Not until their wallets or their families are affected by Trump and his administration will (some) believe what is actually happening to this country.

I’m so grateful for Abcarian’s column.

Diane Kealoha, Los Angeles


To the editor: MAGA is bombarding Episcopal Bishop of Washington Mariann Budde with vitriol because she did what a member of the clergy is supposed to do from behind the pulpit — remind members of the congregation of their duties as Christians.

Asking Trump to be merciful toward the powerless was a rather benign request. Showing compassion to your fellow human beings is a key message from the Sermon on the Mount.


Chances are Trump has no idea what the Beatitudes are. “Blessed are the merciful” is one of them.

Tom Bauer, Morro Bay
