
Letters: On toddlers found wandering in South L.A.

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Re “Boys’ plight raises red flag,” March 12

The article reports that two children, ages 2 and 3, were found on a busy South L.A. street after wandering into a liquor store asking for bread. Their mother was enrolled in a program to help her keep her children while learning to become a better parent.

The article revealed tragic results of a history of generational poverty and deprivation.

In the same paper, we read of rich kids who document their lifestyles on Instagram. They record spending thousands of dollars on lunches and bottles of champagne, projecting an image of cavalier privilege.

I was outraged after reading both articles. Could there be a better depiction of the disparity between the 1% and the 99%?


Donna Wilkinson

Los Angeles

One could not help but pause and compare the recent columns in The Times of the lost and subsequently rescued dog and this piece on the two young boys looking for food.


The previous owners of the dog lost custody after an animal rescue group deemed them unfit and placed the pup in a more responsible household. In contrast, these children were already under direct supervision of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. Apparently, the fact that the mother had already lost six older children to foster care had no bearing.

Perhaps an animal welfare group should be assigned to some of these children, as the rescue organizations seem to be better at evaluating homes. And since many of these evaluators are volunteers, the county could save money.

Susan Fredericks-Ploussard


Woodland Hills

Come on. Two toddlers wander the streets looking for food because they can’t find any in their filthy house where there’s nothing but rotten food in the fridge? This happened because the DCFS doesn’t have a computer program to tell them the mother’s care is inadequate? Was the human case manager deaf, dumb and blind?

As a licensed clinical social worker I’ve visited homes like this, and it doesn’t take an algorithm to detect neglect. The case manager involved here should be fired for incompetence, period.

Wayne April


How is a mother who lost six other children placed in a program for low-risk families? Adults should only be given so many chances to prove themselves, and six is just too many children lost.


At some point, a child’s entitlement to a good quality of life must trump the parents’ entitlement to reunification.

Sandra Carter

Long Beach


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