
Letters: Racism’s role in Obama criticism

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Re “The racism dodge,” Opinion, Nov. 19

Jonah Goldberg’s point that racism is not the root cause of the criticism of President Obama is generally correct.

However, it ignores that some of the more personal arguments made by his detractors are bigoted and contribute significantly to the prism though which his opponents want the public to view his policies.

Does Goldberg have an explanation that does not include racism and bigotry for the “birther” movement or the questioning of the president’s religion? If so, I’d like to hear it.


These opinions have been expressed by, among others, a blowhard multimillionaire and numerous publicity hounds and pandering politicians — never with any actual proof. They’re the “big lies” told often and loud enough to color the perception of the man and his agenda.

Michael Calhau

Garden Grove


While the Republican claim that the Affordable Care Act would provide insurance to illegal residents was declared completely untrue by fact-checking websites, Goldberg can’t even acknowledge that Rep. Joe “You Lie” Wilson (R-S.C.) was the one spreading lies.

We may not be able to prove that the relentless smear campaign by the GOP against Obama is motivated by racism, but it is clearly a deep hatred that results in the loss of all rational thought.

Lon Shapiro




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