
Readers React: Women pilots during World War II deserve burial at Arlington

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To the editor: Shame on the Army and especially former Army Secretary John McHugh for refusing to allow the interment at Arlington National Cemetery of the remains of women who served as Women Airforce Service Pilots (or WASPs) during World War II. (“Women who flew on home front in WWII seek burial in Arlington,” Jan. 25)

Since he was born after the war, McHugh apparently does not understand the total commitment of our citizens who supported our battle. The service of WASPs who conducted test flights, repaired aircraft and transported personnel freed a number of men for active combat.

That there are “only 50,000 burial plots and 35,548 inurnment spaces left” is a very poor excuse for failing to recognize the WASP contributions. Perhaps 100 plots could be reserved for these brave women. At the rate our young men and women are being sent to active duty, there will probably need to be another national cemetery before 2030.


These women deserve the same benefits and recognition as the male veterans of World War II.

Judith Fenton, Costa Mesa

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