
Readers React: Want to boost voter turnout? Start in homes and schools

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To the editor: There are a variety of ways to try to increase voter turnout. Today’s politicians can try to do what they can, but the real answer lies in preparing for the future. (“Changing election dates is the first step to engaging voters,” editorial, March 5)

Parents should discuss current affairs with their children. With youngsters, the topic could be something happening in their own neighborhood. As the children mature, the discussions can be about state or national topics.

Schools need to do a much better job holding discussions on current events and inspiring the students to appreciate the country in which they live. Then, when the students become adults, they will have become accustomed to caring about their world and they will understand that they have the power to make it better, making it more likely that they will vote.


I have been voting in Southern California for six decades. I have never missed an election. If I do not know about a candidate or an issue, I will trust in someone with good judgment.

We live in a great country. We can try to make it even better by casting our vote in each and every election.

Beverly E. Adair, Palm Springs



To the editor: The Times says it’s the job of the news media “to show voters that elections do matter.” But why disrespect L.A.’s nonvoters?

Only four of the seven City Council races were really competitive, yet the media continue to report a citywide turnout figure. In some districts, not voting was quite reasonable.

Despite the newspaper’s “job,” The Times’ editorial board endorsed measures that will cancel L.A.’s 2019 and 2021 election days. Fine. Come 2019, you won’t have an L.A. electorate to kick around anymore.


David A. Holtzman, Los Angeles

The writer was president of the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles from 2009-13. The views here are his own.


To the editor: To quote Bill Murray in the classic comedy “Meatballs,” “it just doesn’t matter” why citizens don’t vote.

I voted two times to have California define marriage as only between a man and a woman. Millions agreed with me, but a few unelected judges outvoted me, and my governor decided not to do his duty and represent the will of the voters.

Misleading ballot proposals now have California taxpayers paying billions for trains most of us won’t ride and for water projects that will help grow produce for export to foreign customers.

Edward Voll, North Hollywood



To the editor: Voter turnout was below 10%. Has it crossed any ones mind as to the reason why people are not going to the polls?

Could it be that we are seeing the same results regardless who wins? Our sidewalks or streets aren’t repaired, law enforcement is still coming up with the same excuses and we still pay millions in lawsuits having to do with city institutions. Does anything ever get done in this city?

We have a relatively new mayor and new City Council members, and yet our sidewalks and streets look like a patchwork blanket.

Charles P. Martin, Los Angeles


To the editor: Do citizens who don’t vote really deserve to be citizens of the United States?

Charles Christian, Santa Barbara
