
Readers React: Time for another massive California water project

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To the editor: The California drought is not simply the state’s problem. It’s a national problem and most likely an international problem, as California is one of the most important food-producing regions in the world. (“Brown orders California’s first mandatory water restrictions: ‘It’s a different world,’” April 1)

Rather than pointing fingers at farmers, pool owners or yard waterers, we need to think outside the box (way outside) for solutions. The water is still here, on planet Earth; it’s just being redistributed.

I keep reading about the Keystone pipeline, the bullet train, even the futuristic hyperloop — all controversial, expensive projects. I keep waiting for someone (are you listening, Elon Musk?) to propose a viable method for bringing water from a place that has an overabundance to our state.


The California Pipeline — now, that’s a project I could get behind.

Ralph Cooley, Los Angeles


To the editor: Instead of an across-the-board percentage in reduction, which effectively rewards people who have used more than their fair share, each resident of California should be allocated a specific number of gallons per day.

In addition, farmers should not send huge sprays of water up in the air during the middle of the hottest part of the day. When I drive up Interstate 5 through the Central Valley, I see ridiculous amounts of water being wasted.


Yes, let’s all be cautious and aware in our use of water, but let’s not force those who have been frugal with this precious resource to be further punished.

Elaine Herold, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: Why wait any longer? Mandatory water cuts should be even deeper than Gov. Jerry Brown’s 25% reduction.


There is no indication that global warming and drought in the western states will be reversing.

Watering parkway strips or city-owned property should be outlawed. Cities should take back ownership of that land and begin demonstrating the benefits of mulch on these areas. Extra mulch on parkways will benefit our trees.

All mulch should be used as nature intended, to retain the water in the soil.

Therese Brummel, Pasadena


To the editor: When do we start looking farther down the road on this drought? With global warming a fact of life, California’s water plight is not likely to go away.

Is it not reasonable and prudent to start considering desalination seriously?

David B. Housh, Glendora


To the editor: Brown wants to cut California’s water usage 25%. One way almost everybody can cut water usage in their home is by better management of toilet water.


At my cottage near Lake Michigan, where there is still ample water, we often conserve well water by using this reminder: If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.

Ernest Ryan, Temperance, Mich.


To the editor: Brown’s water restrictions might have more credibility if at the same time he called for a halt to all building permits for the state.

Or does he not believe that new buildings, apartments and houses will use any water?

Linda Forsythe, West Hills

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