
Readers React: Who cares about ‘Crooked Hillary’? What matter is qualifications, not insults

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To the editor: Doyle McManus writes that voters may take seriously the childish insults that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump hurls at Democrat Hillary Clinton, revealing how superficial elections have become. (“Trump’s ‘Crooked Hillary’ label may stick,” Opinion, May 11)

The media and the voters need to compare a candidate’s claims with her or his actual qualifications. The Constitution assigns the president primary responsibility for conducting foreign policy, so each candidate should be evaluated first for knowledge and experience in that area.

The Constitution also makes the president commander-in-chief of the armed forces. This requires not only knowledge, but also sound judgment.


Every political figure since George Washington has made mistakes, but our choices should be based on competence in the areas that matter most.

Howard Hurlbut, Redlands


To the editor: When I started reading McManus’ column, I thought, “Finally, someone is writing specifics on exactly why Hillary Clinton can be labeled crooked.” But after reading the article, I found it to be like so many hundreds before it.


McManus writes about “ancient questions.” We know where those questions came from: the conservative magazine American Spectator and all the takedown articles written by David Brock that led to Clinton’s observation of a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

Brock admitted to the lies in his book “Blinded by the Right,” and he is now a Clinton supporter.

So please, try your best to not perpetuate any more falsehoods about Clinton unless you have proof of wrongdoing. That would be good journalism.


Gary M. Barnbaum, Woodland Hills


To the editor: Clinton doesn’t have to respond to Trump’s name calling, but I can. Let’s start calling Trump “Despicable Donald.”

It’s apt and alliterative. It refers to his hateful, racist views. Let’s see how quickly it takes hold.

Roberta Schiller, Los Angeles

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