
Readers React: Finally, someone in City Hall stands up to the DWP

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To the editor: It is a pleasant surprise to see L.A. City Controller Ron Galperin refusing “in good conscience” to send $4 million to the questionable Department of Water and Power nonprofits. Congratulations to him for showing courage. (“L.A. pushes back in fight over DWP nonprofits,” July 9)

These groups, known as the Joint Training Institute and the Joint Safety Institute, have been spending these funds while refusing to be accountable to us, the taxpayers and ratepayers who provide the money.

What is happening to our society when people like DWP union boss Brian D’Arcy can get away with threatening city officials by stating that they are asking for trouble if they did the job for which they were elected? Why would anyone who follows the rules and receives public funds refuse an audit?


Bob Curran, Hollywood


To the editor: Simply put, Controller Galperin for mayor.

Thomas Drotar, Santa Monica

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