
Readers React: Garcetti’s promise to immigrants and the facts on the ground in L.A.

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To the editor: I applaud Mayor Eric Garcetti for his compassionate approach to the arrival of unaccompanied minors from Central America. (“Garcetti says L.A. will shelter children who have crossed border,” July 15)

However, readers may get the idea that Los Angeles does not already have a large number of these young people and that public resources will not be used to assist those young people fleeing admittedly terrible circumstances in their countries.

As a teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District, I have witnessed firsthand the impact of this refugee crisis. This past year the number of newly arrived students at our school rose from less than a dozen or so in normal years to almost 40. In a school of about 430 students, this is not insignificant.


These students’ needs are also beyond simply academic; many arrive traumatized either by their lives in their homelands or by their trips here. It’s going to take much more than the cooperation of nonprofits to address the needs of these children. It will take the coordinated effort of local, state and federal agencies.

Ingrid Fey, Los Angeles


To the editor: Garcetti said, “As a father, who are we as Americans if we don’t step forward first and say, these kids who are isolated, alone ... let’s get them someplace safe and secure.”


As a former children’s social worker for 10 years, with three years in L.A. County, I wonder if Garcetti was in his right mind politically when he made that statement.

The Times has on

numerous occasions over the last few years reported on the tragic state of affairs of the children of Los Angeles who are isolated, alone and in significant danger. Apparently, making the children of Los Angeles safe and secure doesn’t bring in the votes that making the children of Central America safe and secure does.

What’s next? How about making the children of Africa safe and secure? How about the children in the slums of Brazil?


Richard Kline, Ojai

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