
Readers React: Terrorists in the Middle East? We’ve got the bombs -- and money -- for that problem

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To the editor: President Obama told us Wednesday that the United States must destroy Islamic State. His comprehensive strategy: Bomb, bomb, bomb; drones, drones, drones. More “advisors” and more armaments. More money — lots more money. (“Obama vows to hunt Islamic State militants ‘wherever they exist,’” Sept. 10)

And when U.S. personnel start dying, more of everything.

The United States decisively won World War II because we used citizen soldiers and civilians with a real purpose of self-defense. Now our leaders want us to be the policemen of the world and decide who is bad and deserving of death. Islamic State has been operating for more than a year, but it was only when empire-drawn boundaries in the Middle East were crossed that Obama got agitated.

There’s never much money or time for jobs or hunger or education, but there’s always plenty for making war.


John R. Shiban, Westlake Village


To the editor: Obama’s speech did little to nothing to excuse his record of failures that allowed the buildup of Islamic State into a clear and present danger to America. At this point there is no strategy by the president that will prevent an emboldened Islamic State — with terrorist members from America — from conducting an attack on our homeland.

Unfortunately, it is Obama’s lack of a good strategy to fight Islamic State that is the greatest threat to our national security. Indeed, a “God bless the United States of America” won’t absolve him of that.


Daniel B. Jeffs, Apple Valley


To the editor: Sometimes military actions are required despite little expectation of there being a clear military solution.

Even if Obama’s strategy succeeds and Islamic State is decimated, that does not mean the long-term threat from radical Islam will end. Islamic State will likely evolve into another form. We have seen that process with Al Qaeda and will surely see it again. There is no ready military solution to this threat.


Strikingly, this is the same problem that Israel faces in dealing with Hamas, yet another face of radical Islam. When military actions are needed, some Israelis use the phrase “mowing the grass” to describe its purpose.

Perhaps that phrase applies as well to the actions just announced by Obama.

William S. Comanor, Los Angeles


To the editor: Say what you will about Obama’s speech: Whether we rain down missiles on Islamic State or bully Iraqi soldiers into putting their boots on the ground, the American public has missed the point.

Despite all the concern about “fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here,” it’s too late. They’re already here.

And I don’t mean the minuscule numbers of radicalized Americans or Europeans who can enter this country legally after getting their terrorist training in Iraq or Syria.

Disaffected, marginalized, disgruntled, “normal” Americans are being radicalized. All they need is a computer and a charismatic radical who lures them by into jihad by promising to be the father figure or friend they lack in their lives now.


You have doubts? Google Shannon Maureen Conley, the 19-year-old girl-next-door in Denver, who just pleaded guilty to conspiring to help Islamic State. She was radicalized in her own home.

Stephen C. Lee, La Habra

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