
Readers React: Donald Trump breaks out the big guns, but fires blanks

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To the editor: In June 1987, President Reagan flew to Berlin with a mission. With the world watching this historic moment, Reagan needed something bold. The answer: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” (“Cheers, jeers greet Trump,” Sept. 16)

It is no surprise that perestroika was taking hold at the same time. Indeed, the firm and commanding figure of Reagan and his policies truly impacted the fall of communism from Eastern Europe to Central Asia.

In more recent times, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has made headlines for his border wall. During his recent appearance in Los Angeles, Trump declared that he would make Mexico pay for it. As he and many Americans see it, a wall is a much more solidifying response to illegal immigration.


I cannot help but hear the famous phrase of history repeating itself; it resonates in my mind. Someone, from somewhere, will follow in the path of Reagan and stand before the wall repeating his historic command. America will respond. The world will listen. I can just feel the tension. To quote Robert Frost: “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.”

Patrick Czyz, Anchorage


To the editor: Trump, with no military ties, speaks from a decommissioned battleship at the Port of Los Angeles on Tuesday in what is billed as a foreign policy speech and fundraiser for the group Veterans for a Strong America.


Trump once again confirms the spot-on assessment by linguist Geoffrey Nunberg in his Sept. 1 Times Op-Ed article, “The return of the bloviator,” as there was much bloviation from the deck of the Iowa about I, me, mine. Trump delivered nothing cogent, diplomatic, insightful or wise about foreign policy.

Note: In addition to “bloviator,” add “bombastic bully” to the mix.

Second, before Trump’s speech, Veterans for a Strong America was apparently one South Dakota conservative with, according to, 30 bucks in cash and a debt of $318. We should honor and support veterans, but is this the best group to do that?

Edith H. Fine, Encinitas, Calif.



To the editor: Wow, a draft evader uses a warship in San Pedro as a backdrop to extol U.S. military might to intimidate Russia, Iran and others. Mission accomplished.

H.L. Mencken said it best: No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

Ashak M. Rawji, Hollywood

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