
Readers React: Solutions for marijuana’s environmental mess

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To the editor: As the Assembly member representing California’s “Emerald Triangle,” and the author of one of the recently passed medical marijuana’ bills, I appreciate your editorial drawing attention to the devastating environmental impact of large marijuana farms in our state.
(“Cleaning up after pot farmers,” Editorial, Sept. 23)

My measure contained an excise tax on marijuana that would have produced desperately needed resources. Unfortunately, due to extended negotiations with the governor’s office on the complete package of bills regulating the marijuana industry from cultivation to sale, there wasn’t time to address the details needed for an excise tax this year.

I remain committed to this issue and have already introduced a new bill that is designed to raise more than $60 million for environmental and enforcement programs. The governor’s office has indicated a willingness to continue working with me on this critical need.


Jim Wood, Sacramento

The writer is the Democratic assemblyman from Healdsburg.


To the editor: As representatives of craft and artisanal cannabis farmers in California, we applaud The Times’ editorial, which addressed environmental damage caused by unregulated and illegal cannabis growers.


Cannabis cultivation can produce undeniable consequences for the environment. The inability to address these consequences is directly linked to prohibition.

For generations, a culture of fear has surrounded cannabis farming, preventing farmers from seeking advice and professional counsel. Historically, our police regulators have not been collaborative with us.

Today, we see a major philosophical shift. Land-use experts and compliance professionals are entering our industry to help cannabis farmers.


Like other farmers, we are hungry for tools to affirm our legitimate roles in the economy, the community and the environment.

Hezekiah Allen, Sacramento

The writer is executive director of the California Growers Assn.

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