
Readers React: Deal with mansionization in L.A. -- now

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To the editor: One homeowner is quoted as saying, “It’s not that anybody wants to purposely rob people of light and air and sun.” True, but there is an apparent callous indifference by those who build oversized mansions. As long as they end up the beneficiaries of someone else’s light, air and privacy, who cares, right? (“Neighborhood frustration grows as mansionization continues in L.A.,” Oct. 22)

There seems to be a complete disregard for anyone else as they live out their “bigger is better” lifestyle regardless of the consequences to their neighbors. It basically is legalized theft by those who have no understanding of community and don’t care as long as they get what they want.

You cannot legislate civility and polite consideration. However, the rules can be amended to prevent oversized home construction. Closing loopholes and tightening rules, as proposed by L.A. City Councilman Paul Koretz, would be a good start.


Unfortunately, city politicians drag their feet while this issue continues to pit neighbor against neighbor.

Michael Conway, Los Angeles


To the editor: Kudos to Beverlywood resident Pam Roberts-Malay and all those working hard to combat mansionization. And shame on the City Planning Commission for dragging its feet and not enforcing our current ordinance or immediately adopting Koretz’s amendment to that ordinance, which would have protected the scale and character of established neighborhoods while allowing the reasonable construction that accommodates modern family life.


Instead, we are asked to wait 18 months for something to be done. How many houses will be torn down and how many more McMansions will be built in that period, destroying the character of the neighborhoods that are the heart of our city?

Grace Kamins, Los Angeles

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